Is Snorkeling Safe For Non Swimmers (4 Safety Precautions)

Snorkeling is an activity that allows you to explore the underwater world without having to be an experienced swimmer.

It’s a great way for non-swimmers to experience the beauty beneath the waves and discover marine life up close. But is snorkeling safe for non swimmers?

Is Snorkeling Safe For Non Swimmers

Yes, snorkeling is usually safe for non swimmers, as long as they are properly equipped, have suitable supervision, and follow the right safety guidelines.

It’s important to note that snorkeling can still be a dangerous activity even when all precautions are taken.

When snorkeling with non-swimmers it’s essential to provide them with the necessary gear and instruction on how to use it safely before entering the water.

Make sure they wear a life jacket, fins, and a mask and understand how to put them on correctly. They should also practice breathing through their mouthpiece in shallow water before venturing further out into deeper sections of the ocean.

Safety Precautions For Non-Swimmers

When snorkeling, it is important to take safety measures no matter your swimming ability.

Non-swimmers should take extra precautions when participating in this activity, but with the right preparation and guidance, they can still have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Here are some tips for non-swimmers who want to go snorkeling:

A) Use of a life jacket or personal flotation device: Swimming is not required when using a life jacket or personal flotation device.

This will help keep you afloat while you explore underwater areas. Be sure that the flotation device fits properly and is comfortable to wear.

B) Beginner-friendly snorkeling locations: Look for beginner-friendly snorkeling spots that are free of strong currents, sharp rocks, and other dangers.

Research snorkeling locations to make sure they are safe for non-swimmers. Consider swimming pools or other bodies of water with no open ocean exposure as a more secure option for a first-time experience in the water.

C) Guided snorkeling tours with trained instructors: A guided tour can provide helpful insight into the basics of snorkeling and help keep you safe while exploring underwater areas.

Instructors on these tours will be able to provide assistance when needed and ensure that your equipment is properly fitted and functioning correctly.

D) Buddy system for non-swimmers: It’s always a good idea to go snorkeling with a buddy, especially if you are a non-swimmer.

Make sure someone else is around to help in case of an emergency or if you need assistance getting back to shore.

Overall, snorkeling can be safe for non-swimmers when the proper precautions are taken. Following these tips and doing your research will help ensure that your experience is both enjoyable and safe.

With the right preparation and guidance, non-swimmers can still have a wonderful time exploring underwater areas.

Potential Risks For Non-Swimmers

There are a few potential risks that non-swimmers should be aware of when snorkeling.

Drowning Or Near-Drowning

Drowning or near-drowning is a real risk for non-swimmers while snorkeling.

Since snorkeling typically occurs in deep water, individuals without strong swimming skills may be more susceptible to drowning if they experience fatigue or panic in the water.

Additionally, an individual’s fear of the open water could lead to panic and an inability to remain afloat. Non-swimmers should thus take extra precautions such as using flotation devices and staying close to shore during their outing.

Panic Or Discomfort In The Water

Panic and discomfort can also cause serious issues while snorkeling.

Trying something new can be intimidating and uncomfortable, especially if it involves being submerged in unfamiliar waters with strange creatures around you.

If a non-swimmer becomes overwhelmed with fear or anxiety, it can cause them to panic and make it difficult for them to remain calm in the water.

It is important that non-swimmers take time to acclimate themselves before attempting snorkeling, as well as understand the safety precautions associated with their activity.

Difficulty With Breathing Through A Snorkel

Finally, difficulty breathing through a snorkel is common among those who are not used to using one.

Non-swimmers should practice using a snorkel prior to going out on their snorkeling adventure so they can get used to inhaling and exhaling while wearing one.

Additionally, they may want to invest in a dry snorkel which limits the amount of water that enters the tube when submerged underwater. With these precautions in place, non-swimmers can enjoy a safe and enjoyable snorkeling experience.

Overall, snorkeling is a fun and exciting activity for everyone, even non-swimmers. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks that come with being in the water.

By following safety measures such as wearing appropriate flotation devices and taking time to practice using a snorkel beforehand, non-swimmers can safely explore the underwater world while avoiding any unfortunate mishaps.


Snorkeling is a great way for non swimmers to experience the beauty of the underwater world up close.

As long as they are properly equipped, have suitable supervision, and follow basic safety guidelines, snorkeling can be a safe and enjoyable activity for non swimmers.

It’s important to remember, however, that snorkeling can still be dangerous at times and that all precautions should be taken when out in the water.

By following these safety guidelines, non-swimmers will be able to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world without putting themselves in danger.