How To Waterproof Yarn (4 Effective Methods)

Waterproofing yarn is a great way to make sure your creations last through all kinds of weather.

Whether you’re crocheting a swimsuit, making a bath mat, or knitting an outdoor blanket, waterproofing your yarn with the right techniques and materials can help keep your project looking its best for years to come.

How To Waterproof Yarn

There are a few different ways you can waterproof your yarn, depending on your available materials.

Clear Acrylic Sealer

One way is to use a clear acrylic sealer, which you can find at most craft stores. Brush the sealer onto your yarn, being sure to cover it completely. Let it dry completely before using or storing your yarn.


Another way to waterproof your yarn is by using beeswax. This method is perfect for wool yarn, as it will help to repel water and keep the yarn from felting. You can find beeswax at most health food stores.

Melt the beeswax in a double boiler, then dip your yarn into it. Let it cool and dry completely before using or storing.

Jojoba Oil

If you want a more natural option, you can try using jojoba oil. This natural waterproofing agent is also suitable for conditioning your yarn. Apply the oil to your yarn and let it soak in for a few hours before using or storing.

Waterproofing spray

Finally, you can use a commercial yarn waterproofing spray. These are available at most craft stores. Follow the directions on the bottle, and let the yarn dry completely before using or storing it.

With these simple tips, you can easily waterproof your yarn and keep it looking its best.

What Is Yarn Waterproofing And Why Do You Need It

Yarn waterproofing is a process of applying a water-resistant coating to yarn. This helps to protect the yarn from moisture, stains, and other damage.

Waterproofing can be done at home or by a professional. There are several benefits to waterproofing your yarn, including the following:

1. Protection from the elements: Waterproofing your yarn can help to protect it from the elements, such as rain, snow, and sun.

2. Prevention of damage: Waterproofing can also help to prevent damage to your yarn from dirt, dust, and other debris.

3. Increased longevity: Waterproofing your yarn can also help to extend its lifespan by protecting it from wear and tear.

4. Enhanced appearance: Waterproofing can also help to enhance the appearance of your yarn by giving it a shiny, new look.

If you plan to use your yarn outdoors or in any environment where it may be exposed to moisture, it is essential to consider waterproofing it.

There are several ways to waterproof yarn, and the best method for you will depend on the type of yarn you are using and the purpose for which you are using it.

However, all methods of waterproofing yarn share one common goal: to keep your yarn dry and protected from the elements.

There are several reasons why you might need to waterproof your yarn. Perhaps you are using it for a project that will be exposed to the elements, such as a scarf or hat.

Or maybe you want to protect your yarn from moisture damage to last longer. Whatever the reason, waterproofing your yarn can help to keep it in good condition.

Common Reasons To Waterproof Yarn

There are a few common reasons why people choose to waterproof their yarn. The most popular reason is to protect it from elements like rain or snow.

Waterproofing can also help keep your yarn clean and free of dirt and debris. Additionally, it can help extend the life of your yarn by preventing premature wear and tear.

Ultimately, waterproofing your yarn is a personal decision, and you should choose the method that best suits your needs.

The Best Yarn Waterproofing Products On The Market

1. Waterproofing Sprays

There are a few different types of waterproofing sprays that can be used to waterproof yarn.

The most common type is a silicone-based spray. This spray will create a barrier on the surface of the yarn that will repel water.

Another type of waterproofing spray is a polymer-based spray. This spray will penetrate the yarn fibers and bind them together, making them more resistant to moisture.

Whichever type of spray you choose, be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully.

2. Waterproofing Sealants

There are a few options available on the market for waterproofing sealants that can be used to waterproof yarn.

Some of these products are designed specifically for this purpose, while others may be repurposed for use with yarn.

Either way, it is essential to read the product labels carefully to ensure that the chosen waterproofing sealant is appropriate for the desired project.

When selecting a waterproofing sealant, it is essential to consider the available different types. Waterproofing sealants can be classified into two general categories: those that form a physical barrier and those that work by creating a chemical reaction.

Physical barrier waterproofing sealants create a physical barrier between the yarn and the water. This barrier can be in the form of a film or coating applied to the surface of the yarn.

Chemical reaction waterproofing sealants work by creating a chemical reaction that binds the fibers of the yarn together, making them resistant to water.

3. Waterproofing Coatings

Many types of waterproofing coatings can be used to waterproof yarn. The most common type of coating is polymer coating.

Polymer coatings are applied to the yarn after being spun and dyed. The layer will protect the yarn from water, humidity, and other environmental factors.

Different types of coatings that can be used to waterproof yarn include waxes, oils, and resins. These coatings can be applied before or after the yarn has been spun and dyed.

Waxes and oils must be reapplied periodically to maintain their waterproofing properties. Resins are more durable than waxes and oils, but they can be more challenging to apply.

How To Use Waterproofing Sprays

Yarn waterproofing sprays can be a great way to protect your yarn projects from the elements. Here are some tips on how to use them:

-Make sure you read the instructions on the spray label before use. This will ensure that you are using the product correctly and safely.

-Test the spray on a small area of the yarn before using it on the entire project. This will help you to see how the spray affects the yarn and if there are any adverse reactions.

-When using the spray, cover the entire surface of the yarn. This will ensure that the yarn is evenly protected.

-Allow the spray to dry completely before using or storing the yarn. This will help to prevent any damage to the yarn caused by moisture.

How To Use Waterproofing Sealants

You’ll need to use a waterproofing sealant to protect your yarn from water damage. There are a few different ways to do this, and the method you choose will largely depend on the materials you have on hand and the amount of time you’re willing to invest.

One option is to use a clear sealant such as mod podge or polyurethane. Brush the sealant onto your yarn, covering all surface area evenly. Allow the sealant to dry completely before using or storing your yarn.

Another option is to use beeswax. This method is more time-consuming but will result in more durable waterproofing. Start by heating beeswax in a double boiler or the microwave (on low power) until it is melted.

Dip your yarn into the wax, being sure to coat it evenly. Allow the wax to cool and harden before using or storing your yarn.

You can also use a commercial yarn waterproofing spray. Follow the instructions on the bottle for the best results.

How To Use Waterproofing Coatings

If you’re looking for a way to waterproof your yarn projects, you may wonder about using a coating. Yarn coatings can provide an extra layer of protection against water and wear, making them ideal for items that will see a lot of use or exposure to the elements.

Here’s a quick guide on how to use yarn coatings to keep your projects looking great for years to come.

When selecting a yarn coating, choosing one compatible with the type of yarn you’re using is essential. Some coatings can be applied directly to the yarn, while others require that the yarn be soaked in a solution before application. Read the instructions on your chosen coating carefully to ensure the best results.

Once you have your coating and yarn, you’re ready to start. Begin by threading your yarn through the nozzle, then apply the coating according to the instructions.

Work in a well-ventilated area if you’re using a brush or spray-on layer. Once the coating is applied, allow the yarn to dry completely before using it in your project.

Yarn coatings can be a great way to add durability and water resistance to your projects. With some care, you can ensure that your finished item will withstand whatever elements it’s put up against.

Tips For Knitting With Waterproofed Yarn

If you want to add a touch of waterproofing to your knitting projects, consider using a waterproofed yarn.

Waterproofed yarns are treated with a water-repellent finish, making them ideal for items that will be exposed to the elements, like rain gear or outdoor blankets.

When selecting a waterproofed yarn, choosing one compatible with the project you’re working on is essential. Some yarns are better suited for specific projects, like knitwear or crochet, so check the labels before making your purchase.

However, most waterproofed yarns can be used for various projects. Once you’ve chosen the perfect yarn, here are a few things to remember when working with it.

First, because the yarn is treated with a water-repellent finish, it can be more challenging to work with than regular yarn.

Be patient and take your time when knitting or crocheting with waterproofed yarn, as rushing can result in sloppy stitches.

Secondly, your finished project will likely be heavier and denser because the yarn is less absorbent than regular yarn.

This is something to keep in mind when choosing a pattern, as a design that is too delicate may be lost in the heaviness of the yarn.

Finally, because the water-repellant finish can make the yarn less breathable, it’s essential to choose a pattern that won’t cause you to overheat when wearing it.

If you are looking for a waterproofed yarn that is also breathable, some are now treated with a Gore-Tex finish that offers both properties.